
'Why' LyndalT Fine China?

LyndalT began from a single turquoise teacup and saucer made of Fine Bone China that has existed in my family for at least 5 generations. Today, I still drink from that delicate teacup. It's fantastic that the quality has stood the test of time.

The cup is so fragile and pretty yet provides strength and comfort.

I think how lovely it would be if everyone had a teacup like this to pass onto their future generations. Imagine. Five generations forward again. 

The LyndalT teacup is designed with integrity and mindful intent that it be animal friendly fine china (that's right, there is no bone used in this modern generation of teacup), hand painted when possible and glazed in bright contemporary colour. Lastly, it's fired up to 5 times to create lasting strength but is super light to hold. And of course, the teacup is supported by it's matching 'soul mate' saucer and both are embellished with gold. 

It is my wish for the tea ware to be used every day and I encourage conversation with others or to simply slow down. Tea brings you and your energy to the present. 

The packaging is deliberately made of recycled cardboard and designed to throw out. Please don't store these teacups in their boxes or a cabinet to be used for 'special times'. Your teacup should be enjoyed today and every day by yourself and your loved ones. Conversations are to be had, stories to be shared and moments to savour. Then, when your time has passed on, your energy and memories from that teacup will be carried forward. Your impression to others will not fade (nor will the colour of the glaze)!

Back to my old blue teacup, I love to tell my children about their grandmothers – present, Great and Great Great – all integral women within society of whom to be proud. My kids love to hear who they were and stories that are the foundations of our family and their existence. 

In today's busy world with so much travel, time apart or constant rush these special memories can be overlooked and forgotten. The teacup is the vessel that enables your legacy to be left behind to others in your world.



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