
Silver Needle White Tea vs Caffeine


All pure teas deriving from the Camellia Sinensis plant contain caffeine, therefore so does Silver Needle White Tea.


About Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulate that occurs naturally in several plants. Plants produce caffeine to act as a natural insecticide to protect itself against insects. When the plant is brewed (when you make a cup of tea) the caffeine is released from the leaves into the water.


Silver Needle White Tea and Caffeine

Tea has a high number of health benefits but excessive caffeine consumption can have negative sides effects on an individual’s health.


Compared with other types of Chinese white tea, Silver Needle White Tea is the highest in caffeine and has the mildest flavour. Since tips and younger leaves on a tea plant are more vulnerable to insects, these parts of the plant produce the highest amount of caffeine. As Silver Needle White Tea is derived from the youngest buds of the Camellia Sinensis plant, it increases the caffeine levels of the tea.


Although Silver Needle White Tea has less caffeine then coffee, it is difficult to measure the amount of caffeine per cup. There are so many variables that influence the exact amount of caffeine in tea that the only way to test it would be in a laboratory.


Our Tea

Our flowering teas are low in caffeine. Other flowers that have been hand sewn into our Silver Needle White Tea buds, lower the overall caffeine content. These flowers such as Jasmine, Chrysanthemum and Lily are caffeine free and when blended, assuming the blend is brewed at a typical strength, lower the caffeine levels in the tea. We only source the best quality teas and are passionate about the remedies of them. 


Disclaimer: Please note our flowering teas may contain traces of caffeine.

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