When was the last time that you poured yourself a cup of tea in a lovely teacup and saucer, and simply indulged in a little bit of creativity? Let your imagination dream of a possible outcome, then calmly achieve it! Whether it's colouring in, playing Wordle, reading a book, gardening, craft or painting. Hey, you may even like doing a spreadsheet.
It seems that we're too busy in this modern world to allow ourselves time to relax without guilt when in actual fact, a rest to the mind with a soothing sip of tea is enough respite to continue with our day. Give yourself permission to pause for a moment and honour yourself with a relaxing cup of tea to reset the mood of your day.
And perhaps by doing so, you will welcome others to do the same … and actively set up your environment.
I remember as a child (and still to this day) watching my mother quietly sip her cup of tea whilst she calmly reads her book. She teaches me the 'power of presence' and gratitude. "How can you just sit there and read a book? Are you bored?" I proclaim, when in actual fact she is blissfully in the opposite state of mind. Mum is always present, mindful, and allows others to enjoy her company (as annoying as I was and still may be).
"How about you do some creativity and make yourself a cup of tea too" … and so I do … glad to be in the presence of my loving mother as we share our time together.
When do you spend creative time to enjoy a cup of tea?
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