
Share Your Story

The LyndalT Story

"I have a little teacup that is 5 generations old ... " 

This teacup is part of a trio set, glazed in the prettiest shade of turquoise blue and adorned with gold trims.

I love knowing that my great grandmother, grandmother and mother have all held this teacup in their hands. I often think about them when I sip my tea, and this helps me identify the person I am today.
Realising this, I wonder what stories my children will one day cherish? So ... what are your favourite stories and how would you like to be remembered? Do you have a favourite teacup?
I wish everyone could enjoy a quality teacup with special stories to share.
This is why I created LyndalT

Your Story

LyndalT is curating a collection of stories. We would love to hear your teacup story to create a lovely keepsake document so that the story of you, your family and the memories around your special teacup are not forgotten.
Some of these stories may be chosen to be included in an upcoming book (with your permission, of course). Please complete the form below and upload images to commemorate your story. is an online Sydney-based creator of teaware and flowering tea.

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